Sania Mirza

the rising Indian Tennis star , is more than a sports personna ...... This blog is an attempt to track her highs and lows ....her pros and cons .... people that build her and the thoughts that she made to cross through the millions .

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sania Mirza Pictures

by @ 8:43 am.

sania mirza pictureYou must be thinking that either Sabeen is into girls or she is just trying to cash out the popularity of Sania Mirza by writing so much about the Indian tennis star. I am not into girls neither I am trying to cash out Sania’s popularity but yes I am getting a little bit crazy about her and it is not my fault. Sania is so sexy, so charasmatic and so talented that it is hard not to write about her.

This post is about Sania’s pictures and the obsessiveness of Indian bloggers, webmasters and web surfers. Try a simple google query for Sania Mirza pictures and there are currently two hundered and ninety thousand web results. Click on image results and you will find 5370 results.

Some of these websites are actually quite a mess and they use illusive titles for their webpages to grab more male visitors and a higher google pagerank. At the time when I searched was at number 3 in results for my query and they had this title ‘Sania Mirza , Sania Mirza Pics, Of, Non Nude, Non Naked, Pictures’. Look closely and you will see words ‘Non Nude’ and ‘Non Naked’ in the title. Though they have made it clear that they do not have nude pictures or naked pictures of Sania Mirza but the space between Non and Nude or Non and Naked is intentional. The purpose is to attract visitors who wouldn’t pay much intention on word Non.

Many other websites, fan-sites and tribute pages extensively use word “Pictures” in their titles. Using each and every possible alternative to word pictures. On my results page the top most page is from and it uses the title “Sania Mirza pics pictures photos images”. They only have two thumbnail size and one medium size images of Sania with lots of links to other pages on silchar.

I have a question for these self claimed search engine optimizers, why would people click on their pages if Google is directly showing them glimpse of the image results on the top of the web results? Wouldn’t people go there and find what they were really looking for?

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